SVG and Canvas is really cool stuff and “Cross Browser Vector Graphics with SVG and Canvas” came really close to be my session of the day here at JavaOne, but the Servlet 3.0 stuff topped it all. There are so many great features in JSR-315. The final draft is now out and the guys said it will go live with Java EE6.
web.xml = history
First of all, the biggest difference is that you do not need a web.xml anymore. Servlet 3.0 fully relies on Java Annotations. If you want to declare a Servlet use the @WebServlet Annotation on your Servlet class. The class still has to inherit from HttpServlet, this remains unchanged. That means it is not possible to use other methods instead of doPost, doGet etc. and annotate them to mark them as Request handler methods. This is something you can do in the Jersey library (JSR-311). In theory I guess it would have been possible to not inherit from HttpServlet but the create a rule that for every class annotated with @WebServlet you have to have methods annotated with @PostMethod or @GetMethod. I guess there are good reasons not to do so in Servlet 3.0.
At the very minimum, you have to annotate specifying a URL under which to invoke your Servlet. If omitted, the full class name will be used as the Servlet name. Other parameters you can specify in the top-level @WebServlet Annotation are for instance if you want the Servlet to be usable in asynchronous requests. More on asynchronous requests later.
@WebServlet(url = "/foo", asynchronous = true)
public class SomeServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(...) {

So the web.xml is gone. Filters are added to the ServletContext using @WebFilter Annotation, Listeners are added using @WebListener Annotation. The deployment descriptor File web.xml is still useful though. It can be used to overwrite whatever you have specified using Class Annotations. So if you create a web.xml file, whatever you have in there has the final word when the Container starts up the ServletContext.
Servlets, Listeners and Filters can now also be added programatically. The ServletContext class has new methods like addServlet, addServletMapping, addFilter or addFilterMapping. On Container start up, you can hook in and add Servlets or whatever you want at Runtime.
Web Frameworks can plug in
Something that I think is really cool, is the possibility for Web Frameworks like Apache Wicket, Tapestry or Spring MVC to plug-in into the ServletContext creation. Remember that in the past, whenever you learned about a new web framework, there was this one section in the documentation where you had to add some Servlet, some Filter or some Listener to the web.xml?
<display-name>Wicket Examples</display-name>
This is now history in Servlet 3.0. Web Frameworks can supply something in their JAR-file deployables that is called web-fragment.xml. It is basically a light version of the web.xml and has almost the exact XML structure. What the Container does when it loads up, it will go into all the JAR files in WEB-INF/lib and scan for a web-fragment.xml File in the META-INF directory. If it finds one, the file will be used when creating the final ServletContext. Sometimes you want more control over how fragments are being pulled into the ServletContext creation. There are ways to control the ordering in which web-fragment.xml files are being put together. The library itself can specify a relative ordering in the web-fragment.xml file. For instance it can say, I am not interested in a particular order, load me last. It is also possible to define an absolute ordering in your own web.xml file which will have again the final word. One important thing of notice. Only the WEB-INF/lib directory will be used to scan for web fragments, not the classes directory.
Third party libraries can also add resources on their own. Whatever the web framework has in META-INF/resources becomes available from the context in which the library is loaded. For instance if you have META-INF/resources/foo.jsp then the resource is available from http://localhost:8080/foo.jsp. Kind of useful too.
New security, New Error Page
Security constraints can now also be expressed using Annotations. I forgot the correct Annotation names, I think it was something like @DenyRoles or something that you could put on for instance doPost methods to secure them. I vaguely remember also, that the standard security mechanism to display a Web Form (Form Based Authentication) is removed. What you now do instead is to properly annotate a method which will authenticate the User for you. You are therefore basically free to choose however you want to authenticate your Users. Unfortunately this is a feature in the Servlet Specification that I have almost never used in the last 10 years, so I did not pay too much attention when they talked about this and the security part was also kept short in the session.
Which brings me to the next improvement, default error pages. Remember back in the old Servlet 2.3+ days that you had to add a default error page for every error code? What a copy and paste mess. JSR-315 gives you the possibility to define default error pages. You can have for instance something like “show this page for all errors except 404”. Very handy.
New methods in Response
Remember that it was a pain in the ass to work with HttpResponse sometimes? It was not apparent in which phase the response was, what the status was. Servlet 3.0 will add new methods to HttpRepsonse that will make our lives easier. You can get Header name, Headers and the Response status now using API calls.
Asynchronous Requests
Finally to the most impressive new feature - asynchronous requests. This is huge! Imagine that you have HTTP POST method in a Servlet and what it does is to call out to a WebService. While the Service is doing it's work, the HttpRequest is being held by the Servlet Container. Standard Stuff. This however becomes problematic if your thread pool limit is reached. So lets say you have defined that 50 Threads should be in the Pool. You receive 30 Requests per second. If the web service call takes 2 seconds, you have a problem because 60 Requests are coming in and only 50 Threads are in the pool.
Here is what Servlet 3.0 does. Well, it is kind of hard to explain and I did not understand it fully. But here is what I think it does. You can specify on Servlet and Filters that they may be used for asynchronous requests. This is something you have to declare as an attribute of the @WebServlet or @WebFilter Annotation. The request comes in, it will look at the Filter chain and the Servlet. It will figure out if it can run asynchronously or not. The original request calls out and the Request is suspended, therefore freeing a Thread and returning it to the pool. A callback method is given along. The callback method is invoked when the external resource becomes available and the Container will use a new Thread to generate the Response. The Request therefore resumes it's work. New methods for resuming and suspending as well as querying the current status of the request have been added. There was also something called asynchronous Handle in the presentation slides but I forgot how it was used.
Anyway the guy at JavaOne had an example ready where he had written a Servlet that queried the Ebay Rest Interface for 3 keywords. He then had written the same using asynchronous Requests from Servlet 3.0 and it was like 3 or 4 times faster. This is because not only are the Threads returned to the pool while they are doing nothing (Thread starvation) but also can multiple Requests be run in parallel. This is a major improvement I think. Our current web applications can be made faster just by using features of a new Servlet specification.
I hope this was useful. I will experiment with Servlet 3.0 before the final release comes out. I think I might be able to do this today already using some experimental version of Jetty or Glassfish.
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